December 13, 2016
This is Part 3 of 3. All things In-Between is our everyday with family, pets, kids, and friends. This is the love of my family's life - His name is Dash. Dash is a foodie and a bull dog. ( not a french bull ) making French Bull
pet bowls was natural.

I love camouflage in general, but wanted a French Bull camo with a spin. We named it Glamo. My favorite part is the silicone rimmed base because Dash is a monster and the slipping and sliding that was going on with his other bowls was a disaster.

I've got big kid's now so I never lived it first hand, but I've been told little kids covet their French Bull dishes because they make French Bull characters their own. Their imaginations fill out the story. This makes me ecstatic because that's exactly what kid's should be thinking about.

Our disposable plates put the Happy in Happy birthday (corny ). Seriously though parties are about celebration and up-ness and that's what I want our plates to make you feel.

I usually have a bunch of friends over to kick off the summer with a BBQ. When grilling and dining al fresco it makes for a French Bull extravaganza. It's all easy peasy light and fun. Our round platters are mega, and really great for burgers buns corn - all that fun stuff.

I use everything French Bull for appetizers too.