A museum store favorite that makes a beautiful gift when paired with a coordinating serving platter or salad bowl. The rounded smooth design makes it easy...
A long sleek coupe-style serving platter for indoor & outdoor meals, entertaining and barbecues. All platters coordinate with our plates to make it easy to create a unique hostess, housewarming or...
A long sleek coupe-style serving platter for indoor & outdoor meals, entertaining, picnics and barbecues. All platters coordinate with our plates to make it easy to create a unique hostess, housewarming...
Good for tidbits, finger foods, desserts and appetizers. Each plate is a unique French Bull pattern and comes packaged in a beautiful gift box. Pick up a...
A long sleek coupe-style serving platter for indoor & outdoor meals, entertaining, picnics and barbecues. All platters coordinate with our plates to make it easy to create a unique hostess, housewarming...
Bagels and smear. Toast and butter. Peanut butter and jelly. Honey and biscuit. Hummus and crackers. Don’t mind us. We’re just daydreaming’ about our spreaders....
Set of 4 bowls great for ice cream, desserts, nuts and spreads. Each bowl is a unique French Bull pattern and comes beautifully packaged in a French...
Each plate has a unique pattern and the 6 plates are delivered stacked and beautifully banded. Use for pie, pizza, tidbits, finger foods, desserts and...
Our 6 piece plate set is great for tidbits, finger foods, desserts and appetizers. Each plate is a unique pattern and the set comes beautifully packaged in a gift box....
Forms a stunning centerpiece for shared condiments and drinks. Wonderful for serving appetizers cheese, fruit, and crackers. Rotate a beautiful dessert tray with cakes and pastries. Comfortably...
Set of 4 spreaders each with a unique design. Use for spreads, dips and condiments. Think bagels and cream-cheese, toast and butter, peanut butter and jelly,...
Large modern coupe-edge serving platter for indoor & outdoor meals, entertaining, picnics and barbecues. All platters coordinate with our plates to make it easy to create a unique hostess, housewarming or wedding...